Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Little Blood Sucking Armour Plated Beasts from Hell

Today IV and I took off on another roadtrip. Our ultimate goal is the family farm in Alberta, but we're sleeping in Saskatoon tonight to break up the trip a bit. So far so good...except 1 thing: tiny little blood sucking armour played beasts from hell.

Let me start at the beginning...
Poor IV's a little black puppy, so when she sits on the seat in the sun she gets so very warm...despite the AC. So, I thought,"oh how nice it would be to take a break from driving and throw some sticks in a dugout for IV to swim and cool off. Then we can run around until she is dry."

The plan went well, and a lovely time was had by all...until we returned to our travels. I felt something on my shoulder. It was a little bug. I just tossed it out of the window. Then, I noticed there was a little bug on IV, right under her eye. I went to throw it out as well, when I realized the darn thing was stuck.

Then I knew what it was. And what the bug on my shoulder had been. (if you know, say it with me) Ticks.
Eww. Ewww. Ew.


So I went to a gas station and on the way saw and threw out 4 more ticks on IV. Then in the gas station I went into the bathroom and a half hour later I had found no less than 12 ticks in my clothes (only 2 of them were biting me though).


I then also bought a little comb in the gas station and used it to back comb IV's hair to see if I could find more ticks, but I found none.

But, just now, I found one when I was moving her kennel. I don't know where it came from. I hope it's the last one *crosses fingers*

And that's the story of how I went from having never seen a tick in real like to having seen 20 ticks in one day. A whole herd of them. Great.

I also used my handy dandy BlackBerry internet to look up ticks on Wikipedia. I learnt a lot. Like all the diseases they carry. Great again.

An educational day. Lucky me.

The moral of the story: stay off the grass. Especially if you're just wearing flip flops.

One last time: Eww. Ewwwwwwwww. Ahhhhhhhh!!!

Goodnight all, time for creepy crawly dreams.

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