Monday, March 30, 2009

Inside IV's Head

"ok, so, there's a spec, ooh! What's that? Wait.....wait...come back!! Ooohh!! Look...let me..just..just..oh...hey, is that good to eat? Should I go...wait...hmm....where to next? Gotta try--OH MY GOODNESS..just...gotta...reach...a...little...further...ooh! Hey! Throw-it-throw-it-throw-it-please-please---ARGH!!! I got it! K...again-again-again...please please!!! eeekk....Got it!!! THROW IT AGAIN!!!AGAIN!!!AGAIN!!!PLEASE. Wanna eat that! Or that...or bout that? Pet me! Pet me!! Please, pet-ooh...that looks good. What's that? Is it mine? Gotta get it! Over there! NO, over there! OVER EVERYWHERE!!!"

I hope you are astounded by my mad-dog-mind-reading skills, cuz I'm completely exhausted.

And thankfully so is she.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


In mythology and tradition the number 3 is a pretty significant number. There are 3 blind mice, 3 bears, 3 little pigs, 3 musketeers, 3 prairie provinces, 3 territories, 3 dimensions, the Trinity, 3 bean salad, and who can deny that a 3 day weekend is pretty much 'da bomb'?! Earth is even planet number 3 from the sun (unless they randomly decide to de-planetize Mercury or never know...these are uncertain times afterall, we may not be able to afford all 8 planets much longer)!

But what I'll bet you didn't know is that 3 is how many days we have now had IV!
She also peed 3 times on the walk I just took her on...(I think it was her 5th walk of the day...which is 3(+2). )

3 is the number of paws that she lets me wipe dry before she starts thinking that she's had enough of that.

And 3 seconds is about how long it took her to gulp down the cottage cheese, toast, and tiny bit of dog food that she finally ate today (she won't touch her food and keeps doing this weird cough/tiny-bit-of-throw-up thing.) Guess I'll have to make a few phonecalls to people who know more about dogs than I do (if that's you and you're reading this...leave your number!)

3 is the approximate number of people who talked to IV while I walked her. One was a nice lady who said "hi beautiful puppy". One was some old guy who came over to try give me advice on how to train her and to admire her and talk about his old lab he used to have. And the third was a lady who thought maybe IV could meet her little curly haired dog...but IV was so darn excited she couldn't settle down and I think IV's eagerness made the curly haired dog a little nervous. So that friendship ended before it could even start. :)

So as you can see, 3 is an important number for IV today. Yay IV.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A New Diagnosis

Lucky for me I'm a nurse...cuz otherwise cleaning up the results of "garbage gut" would have done me in (I'm not going to tell you what garbage gut is...but if you read the previous entry you will not that garbage was mentioned...and I cleaned something up today and IV didn't have much of an appetite...)

IV and I went on a walk. She had also gone on a walk with Renee earlier in the day. She's pretty sweet, and people go "aw" when they see her. I still go "aw" when I see her though too. She's getting good at listening to me when I tell her to stay down as we pass people. I think she's a pretty smart girl.

I even suspect that she may know her name it too soon? It's only been her name for a day now...but I think she's that smart.

She's really good in her kennel...and as far as I know she did not pee inside at all today! Which means that we are getting trained to make sure she's going out.

What else did she do today? Hm. She cuddled with Renee and she cuddled with Larisa. She had a nap on Larisa's bed, and have some pictures taken. She growled at Matt when he was "lurking in the shadows." Hm...we'll have to see what happens with that...she didn't mind him yesterday when she met him...

Anyways, she is now sleeping soundly in her bed, and I should start sleeping in goodnight! Sweet dreams! Woof woof!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

IV Start

Ok, call me a dork, or a nerd or whatever you want (I am oh so aware that that is the most nurse-dorkiest title ever) BUT you won't rain on my parade because today IV came to join us in our humble, big, green house! This morning we woke up bright and early, dragging Jennie away from her homework, and went to the Winnipeg Animal Services to meet a puppy they had, and there we met (and fell in love with) a little terrier-lab cross who they called Penny.

We raced to Petcetera (in a part of the city we didn't even know existed!!) and then we raced back to the shelter and picked up our newest family member.

Then we brought her home...she was supposed to be in her kennel...but Renee could not resist and so IV got to sit in Renee's lap...looking all bright eyed and waggy-tailed out the window as we took her to her new home.

When we arrived home, Larisa had gotten home from school and was most excited to meet our new addition...even Jen admitted she was a cutie! We played and played and played. Then we went on a walk and had people talk to us about our super cute puppy...including some cute one...but it's better than none!!! Ha ha. Good times.

Then we returned and she had a nice little rest in her kennel, and then we took her outside and SHE PEED OUTSIDE!!! Good IV!!!!

And then she peed inside. When our landlord was here...luckily he just laughed...and I cleaned the carpet. Now Jennie and I are creating this blog to keep track of IV's Tails which should include a lot of learning experiences, some fun times, and some messy times! (Like apparently while I was away she tore the garbage to to follow!)

Til then, take care, and be well.