Friday, April 24, 2009

IV Returns from the Vet

I picked IV up from the vet this evening and she seemed happy to be home, but it was a little hard to tell since she was a little snowed.

She's also moving a little slow, which is completely understandable...Jennie told her it would be ok, and that this was better than giving birth. Which is true.

IV came home and we put her in her kennel for a bit while we went out to Baked Expectations and had dessert, then we returned hyped up on sugar and had a dance party. IV was a little overwhelmed by this and at first tried to be involved (Fear of Missing Out) but soon decided that she was not up for standing in the middle of a room of "dancing" girls and quickly lay down on Larisa's bed with Loreena and napped/watched the proceedings. Jennie and I came and cuddled with her as well...until Jennie got her second wind and rejoined the dancing.

Anyway, long story short: IV was the only one of us with drugs in her system and she was the quietest of us all!

She may also believe that during the 24 hours she was gone we went completely crazy...poor sore puppy...

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